Statistics for Nicholas Burvill

Green Cards Given: 2

Yellow Cards Given: 4

Red Cards Given: 1

Cards Given: 7

Cards Per Game: 0.28

Faults Called: 9

Faults Per Game: 0.36

Games Umpired: 25

Games Scored: 6

Rounds Umpired: 470


Scorer Round 2: International Waters - Kazakhstan (11 - 4)

Umpire Round 51: The Officials - T. Swift Song Inspo (11 - 3)

Umpire Round 3: Mozambique - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (7 - 11)

Scorer Round 4: International Waters - Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (12 - 10)

Scorer Round 5: Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic - Mozambique (8 - 11)

Scorer Round 5: Vatican City - Kazakhstan (13 - 11)

Umpire Round 6: International Waters - Mozambique (8 - 11)

Scorer Round 8: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Mozambique (9 - 11)

Umpire Round 61: The Cats - WWBD (5 - 11)

Umpire Round 61: ZL - International Waters (14 - 12)

Umpire Round 61: Jay-Z - IKEA Workers (11 - 9)